Solidarity after 1989In the 90s progressing weakening influence of Solidarity amongst other things because returning to the government, and the newly created lots and the existing political parties leaders, activists and advisers. Organizational unity of the Union, among others disrupted creation of a "Fighting Solidarity" and "Solidarity 1980". Therefore the political situation was very uncomfortable, because the front man and supported the need of regime change socio-economic development, which brought about a temporary deterioration in living standards, in particular, ordinary workers - the natural union members.
The compound was losing popularity, firmując successive governments, would lose the character of a broad social movement, and became a union fighting for workers' rights. After the election of President L. Walesa of Poland, in February 1991 at the Third National Assembly elected as President of the Association of M. Krzaklewski. Fourth Congress of the Association adopted a resolution recognizing the social doctrine of the Catholic Church as an ideological basis for its program and activities.
Members of the electorate against the pressures of the Union in May 1993 declared the vote of no confidence against the government of H. Suchocka. In the parliamentary elections (September 1993) "Solidarity" did not come to parliament, introducing only a few representatives to the senate. In the later years of the coalition Democratic Left Alliance and Polish Peasant Party (1993-1997) "Solidarity" is gradually regaining its influence in the society ...