August 20, 1980The state authorities are still refusing to talk with the MKS, and controlled by its TV provides information on economic losses caused by strikes. Moreover, MO and SB stop strike committees, delegates, which was diagnosed after the red and white flags on their cars. Strikes joins University of Gdansk, Gdansk University and the Opera and Philharmonic. MKS represents 304 bets.
August 23, 1980
Gdansk MKS represents 388 bets. Lech Walesa calls on the SB, to stop harassment against the strikers and opposition activists. At 14 to the Gdansk shipyard governor arrives to arrange talks with the government delegation ...
... 6 hours later she arrived with Deputy Prime Minister Jagielski headed to Gdansk and begin talks with the MKS. Transmits them to the whole plant. A little later, accompanied by a delegation for talks in Szczecin MKS (it focused then 134 bets). The first issue Strike Information Bulletin "Solidarity".
August 26, 1980
About 11 o'clock will be resumed talks with the government delegation at the first of the 21 demands - the creation of free trade unions. The government delegation remains in the reform of the already existing trade unions. Trade unionists from France fed funds MKS amount of 11,000 francs, and the youth element of Norwegian trade unions for the same purpose provides a 2300 crown ...