... MKS arises in Wroclaw, solidarity strikes with the Gdansk Shipyard erupts in Krakow, Warsaw, Poznan, Lodz, Rzeszow, and other cities. Polish Primate preaches, shown on television but about 19 o'clock in the Gdansk Shipyard celebrated Mass on the day of Our Lady of Czestochowa for the several thousand people.
August 28, 1980
Reaches to Gdansk, previously detained in Bydgoszcz, a delegation from Wroclaw. Lech Walesa suggests that the agreement contained in Gdansk affected the entire country. Shipbuilders expect a re-arrival of the government delegation. Meanwhile, authorities arrested opposition activists begin. Strikers receive telegrams an expression of support from around the world. Word and musical performance organized by a local patriotic Riviera Theatre.
August 30, 1980 Szczecin MKS signs an agreement with the government delegation. The Gdansk shipyard at 14 begin talks with the government commission, followed by initial acceptance of the 21 demands. Lech Walesa calls for an end to repression against opposition activists SB, but Deputy Prime Minister Jagielski refuge in ignorance about them. MKS Decision, issued by a vote in the hall, further talks will begin as soon as the release of all political prisoners. Time goes by 17 delegates to pray for the intention of MKS strikers and their families.